I love that I have a lunch break in which to blog.
So, we bought a house on Friday. We handed over the largest check I've ever seen and signed a bunch of papers and then we moved in. Now we (we includes my mom, who is here to help out with stuff) are living with a bunch of boxes everywhere and I'm really looking forward to getting home so I can get things settled.
We went to IKEA last night and bought
this, and two of
these in dark brown. That's a TV armoire and three bookshelves. There was supposed to be a coffee table purchase as well, but they were out of stock. We'll have to go back for
The bad news: the a/c is still out in my car because it would cost $600 to fix it. I'm just not willing to spend that much on my little car. Besides, it'll get cooler in a couple months.
And I promise, house pictures are coming as soon as we find the cord for the camera.