Monday, June 18, 2007

and people say being a librarian is boring...

The stats from the first day of the summer reading programs:

6 programs totaling 5 hours
221 kids and caregivers
3 cryers
3 chapter books begun
5 pictures books read
2 rounds of "If You're Happy and You Know it"
2 rounds of "Head and Shoulders, Knees and Toes"
2 rounds of "Old MacDonald had a farm"
1 flannelboard story
2 irons for revealing invisble ink (lemon juice)
1 tired librarian


Anonymous said...

What a busy day this must have been. Keep up the good work!

Love, Dadder

Anonymous said...

The singing sounds a little like my classroom this summmer, but we haven't been singing "Old McDonald." Maybe that's a song I need to add to our morning routine. A personal favorite of my students is "The Wheels on the Bus."