Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Crazytown, Also Known As The Month of August

Here's some things that are going to happen in August:
  1. Playdate with friends.
  2. Matt and the girls attend a birthday party for a little buddy (while I'm at work).
  3. Matt goes to band practice at church.
  4. Cadence starts school.
  5. Matt and I attend a new faculty dinner.
  6. Matt and I attend the animal shelter board meeting so we can help with grant writing.
  7. Matt and I attend parents' night at Cadence's school.
  8. We all go to a start of the school year barbecue for Matt's and my school.
  9. We all go to a start of the school year potluck for Cadence's school.
  10. Matt goes back to work.
  11. We attend all manner of meetings during pre-planning.
  12. Matt has weekend duty in the dorm.
  13. I finally break down and try on my old work clothes that are in a bin in the closet.  Work clothes from 3 years and one baby ago...
  14. Piper turns 2!
  15. We throw an Under the Sea/Mermaid birthday party for the girls.
And of course, we do usual things like go to work, do chores, make meals, do laundry.  It's going to be fun. 


Dassa said...

Whoooo! One day at a time. It will all be fine and what Blessings bestowed on you all.

Joyce said...

Wow! Good advice from Dassa and I would add get a big calendar for the wall or sync on line calendars! Love, Mom