Friday, February 10, 2012

Changing table hack

Since Piper started rolling over back in December, changing her diaper has become considerably more difficult.  One day recently, I was reading a baby magazine and saw a changing pad with a toy bar attached, like this one here.  I don't remember seeing one of these in any stores, especially not when we were buying things when Cadence was coming, but it seemed like a great idea. 

I remembered that our pack 'n play came with a toy bar we've never used, so I dug it out of Piper's closet to see if it might fit on the sides of our changing table. It's not super cute, but it fits perfectly.  Now Piper is entertained during changing time.  She's happy with the elephants now, but I can change the toys out later, either using those plastic toy links or some toys from the other items in the house that have velcro toy bars (bouncy seat, swing, and activity mat).


Anonymous said...

As I told you--this is so clever! I know it will help other moms.
Hope you are having a great day.
Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

Smart Mom -- You are! It looks super cute on her changing table.