Saturday, June 05, 2010

Garden Update and Cadie Pics

I harvested these carrots today and they became a part of a pasta salad. It was too early to pull them, I think, since they were so small. But they were sweet. The rest of the garden is not doing so great. My tomato plant died so we bought one that was already doing well, and it has a few green tomatoes on it. I had to buy a pepper plant too, since my seedlings aren't growing enough. And I had to buy cilantro too. I think the raised bed is not getting enough sun, so I'm not expecting big results. Sigh.

And here's some cute pictures of Cadence pretending with her Elmo camera today.


Anonymous said...

What a cutie!

Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

Also glad you got some carrots from the garden. Just talked to Matthew--he used carrots and potatoes from his backyard garden and made a pot roast last week! My gardening chidren!

Anonymous said...

Our little lady bug looks so cute!
Glad she likes her camera!
I think you did good on your carrots, they are hard to grow. I picked squash and tomatoes from my garden today too. Fun isn't it?!