Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Theme of the Week: Cats

Once again, this is a Cadie-chosen theme.  I've found that realistically we can only do so much with our other activities of cleaning, storytime, playgroup, cooking, and shopping, so the activities are a little lighter than I've planned previously.

Reading: Mama Cat has Three Kittens by Fleming, Pete the Cat: I love My White Shoes by Litwin, and How Do Dinosaurs Love their Cats? by Yolen, Splish, Splash, Splat! by Scotton at Barnes and Noble Online Storytime

Letter Awareness: K for Kitten (because we've got C down, yo!)

Action Rhyme:
There was a GREAT BIG CAT (hold out one fist, use big voice)
and a TEENY LITTLE MOUSE (hold out other fist, use small voice)
who ran around and around (roll fists around each other)
in a tall, tall house (stretch arms above head)
got caught at last (have cat fist "catch" mouse fist)
Because the GREAT BIG CAT
ran around so fast (roll fists around quickly)

Extras: Feed Rainey treats, watch Dora and Blue's Clues episodes featuring cats


Anonymous said...

What fun! And I know she loves the 3 little kitten song too. I had so much fun singing this with her! Our little smart girl.

Anonymous said...

Rainey may actually act out the finger play in your yard!That would make for an interesting discussion with our girl :).
Love, Mom